Mumbai’s Focus on Foot Health

Content by: Lauren Alexander

Charting a Sustainable Path

Content by: Zach Stewart

EYES on the Asian Market

Content by: Kelly Ditro

Menopause Awareness & GenM

Content by: Meagan Wos

Mumbai’s Focus on Foot Health

Step into the future of Mumbai’s innovative foot care store, which uniquely combines ancient wisdom and modern technology for holistic foot health

Content by: Lauren Alexander

Charting a Sustainable Path

As 2024 unfolds, we are on the cusp of a transformative shift that marks the dawn on a new ear in the retail industry- and an end to the superficial nods to sustainability

Content by: Zach Stewart

EYES on the Asian Market

Eye health is a priority to consumers in APAC, but less so in other regions, making the Asian Market a model for how other markets can engage consumers in eye health

Content by: Kelly Ditro

Menopause Awareness and GenM

GenM (co-founded by Heather Jackson and Sam Simister) is a UK based company that is on a mission to unite brands, retailers, and manufacturers to provide much needed choice, trust and control for menopausal consumers. All this is underpinned by their game changing Mtick- the world’s first and only menopause friendly symbol

Content by: Meagan Wos

Footcare around the Globe

Biofoot, nestled in the bustling streets of Mumbai, India stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of foot care stores. What sets Biofoot apart is its holistic approach to foot health, blending ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technology. The store’s team of podiatrists and foot therapists leverage state-of-the-art equipment to conduct comprehensive foot assessments, offering personalized care plans tailored to each customer’s unique needs. Biofoots dedication to innovation guarantees that each stride toward improved foot health represents a leap into the future, from sophisticated gait analysis to tailor-made orthotics produced through 3D printing.

Biofoot’s focus on foot health education and preventive measures adds another layer of uniqueness. By empowering customers with knowledge about proper foot care practices and lifestyle modifications, Biofoot promotes long-term foot health and overall well-being, which is not always a primary focus in many foot stores in the US

The Future of Footcare in the US

The future of foot care in the US is poised for significant evolution and innovation, driven by a growing emphasis on holistic health and wellness. With over 75% of consumers saying that healthy feet are the foundation to a healthy body, we can expect footcare in the US to be moving towards a more personalized, technologically advanced, and holistic approach that prioritizes preventative care, sustainability and customer empowerment.

Charting a Sustainable Path

As 2024 unfolds, we are on the cusp of a transformative shift that marks the dawn of a new era in the retail industry- and an end to superficial nods to sustainability. With over 65% of consumers saying they care about the environment and have at least some knowledge about the sustainability practices from the companies and brands they shop showing that shoppers are paying attention to company or brands actions. While it is important for brands and retailers to embrace these new ESG initiatives, it is also just as important to ensure all communication and action is authentic as consumers will see through any attempted greenwashing.

Wild & Tesco

Sustainable natural body care brand Wild has expanded its partnership with Tesco, launching standalone bays in supermarkets across the UK. Wild will introduce the brand-new selection of body washes and first ever compostable hair care range. The ranges are formulated with natural ingredients designed to nourish the skin and come with a 100% plastic-free case for life. These compostable refills offer customers a convenient and eco-friendly way to reduce plastic waste in the bathroom as they break down naturally.

Gillette & Sainsbury’s

Gillette has partnered with TerraCycle to offer the World’s First National Razor Recycling program to help keep hard-to-recycle blades and razors from ending up in landfills. By teaming up with TerraCycle, we are making an effort to help recycle the estimated 2 Billion razors thrown away every year. Gillette products or not, the partnership with TerraCycle will be accepting all blades and razors to be recycled.

Pangaia & Headspace

Pangaia, a sustainable clothing brand, partnered with Headspace, a meditation and wellbeing app to create products and experiences designed to nourish both the planet and the mind. Both brands prioritize wellbeing- Pangaia through sustainable fashion and Headspace through mental health. This share commitment created a genuine and resonant collaboration. The partnership emphasized that caring for the environment and one’s own mind are interconnected, addressing both physical and mental facets of wellbeing. While both brands have distinct audiences, the collaboration expanded their reach, resonating with individuals keen on both sustainable living and mental wellness.

In Focus- A road map to fighting visual impairment in Asia

Eye health is a major health concern that affects nearly everyone at some point in their lives. Vision impairment affects 2.2B people globally, with Asia Pacific bearing a disproportionate burden. Nearly two-thirds of those with moderate to severe visual impairment live in East, South and Central Asia.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is one of the leading causes of preventable vision impairment in Asia. It is present in more than 80% of young adults across the APAC region. The rise in deteriorating eye health within the Asian population can be attributed to several factors, including genetic predisposition (as Asian/East Asian populations are at a higher risk for visual impairment), the rapidly growing aging population, and lifestyle and behavioral factors such as reduced time spent outdoors and the significant increase in screen time.

Vision is fundamental to how we navigate and interact with the world, yet millions globally lack access to essential eye care. With an estimated 90% of vision impairment being either treatable or preventable, public and private-sector investors are ramping up efforts to produce research and new technologies that can address these unmet needs.

With evidence-based public health programs, novel technologies, and growing investment in ophthalmology, opportunities abound for addressing Asia’s many challenges in eye care. Over time, the region may increasingly emerge as an incubator for solutions that have global impact 

Eye Health is a priority to consumers in the Asia Pacific region, but less so in other regions around the world

New launches with Eye Health Claims

Reimagining Eye Care in Asia

As the burden o eye diseases increase in Asia, researchers and entrepreneurs from across the region are working on solutions for the region’s diverse challenges. At a recent event hosted by Singapore Biodesign, experts and innovators from around the world came together to discuss these potential solutions and reimaging the future of eye care in Asia.

November 2018, Johnson & Johnson and Singapore Eye Research institute launched a $26M partnership to work on a mobile platform that helps to connect patients with eye care practitioners and can access educational content about eye diseases. 

Another Singapore-based start-up called Plano has created a suite of digital tools to help promote eye health. This includes an app that helps children to regulate smartphone use and adopt healthy devices, such as optimal face-to-screen distance and scheduled downtime.

Innovative medical technologies will also play an important role in addressing challenges of accessibility. The Virna Glaucoma Drainage Device, a novel solution for glaucoma surgery was launched in Indonesia in June 2019, is a low-cost and easy-to-use surgical device that costs only $100.

Home of the Mtick

There are more than 15.5M women in the UK alone, and 1B globally, who are currently in some phase of menopause. Yet, as found in GenM’s Menopause Market Report, their needs are underserved and they feel invisible. Retailers and brands often overlook the specific demands of this demographic and how best to serve them.

“ 80% want to shop products labelled menopause-friendly; of products with menopause-friendly labeling received 72% customer satisfaction”

VisionM and the Mtick

The Mtick is the universal symbol transforming the shopping experience for the menopause audience, delivering choice, trust and respect to an exponential market opportunity. The hope is retailers and brands around the globe will better understand and serve the menopausal consumer, both in-store and online.

GenM exhibits Menopause aisle retail concept

At the retail industry exhibition LIVE2024 in the UK, GenM exhibited their first ever menopause aisle retail concept. Every product showcased in the aisle carries the Mtick. GenM co-founder Heather Jackson commented: “We need retailers to think and feel like a menopausal woman. We are not asking retailers to cure menopause-we are asking them to deliver women the choice and opportunity to improve their lived menopause experience in the way that best suits them”

The Power of the Collective

Since their launch in October 2021 with just 30 partners, they’ve quickly grown to be the menopause partner for almost 100 of the most purposeful and progressive retailers, manufacturers, and brands in less than 3 years. They work closely with a wide range of partners across the UK including big names like Boots, QVC, Holland & Barrett, as well as 3 of the big 4 supermarkets in the UK-Tesco, Morrisons, and Sainsbury’s. Partnering with influential brands has helped to reach a wider audience and validate their mission. It’s not just about products, GenM is also helping to ignite brands to think their about their colleagues as well. For example, Holland & Barrett trained over 4,000 staff to deliver better support to menopausal consumers, and Co-op launched a menopause support guide for managers. After their recent launch of their menopause aisle at the LIVE2024 exhibition, this launch has ignited some of the biggest grocers in the UK to look to October 2024 (world menopause awareness month) to launch some great supportive initiatives. GenM has ignited the menopause market in the UK, and now are looking to launch in the US next.

Future of Footcare in the US

Content by: Lauren Alexander

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Content by: Zach Stewart

Expanding Eye Care Globally

Content by: Kelly Ditro

GenM has their sights set on the US

Content by: Meagan Wos

Future of Footcare in the US

We can look forward to the advances in technology, changing consumer preferences, and growing emphasis on holistic health and wellbeing to evolve the future of foot care in the US.

Content by: Lauren Alexander

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

As consumers knowledge on sustainability practices from the companies they shop continues to grow, brands and retailers should continue to create and promote content that explains their environmental projects and commitment to the planet in a consistent and authentic way

Content by: Zach Stewart

Expanding Eye Care Globally

Brands outside of APAC should explore the role of tech and apps that quantify vision health, as expanding reach and accessibility to consumers across all of Asia

Content by: Kelly Ditro

GenM has their sights set on the US

Since GenM’s launch in late 2021, they’ve grown to now include over 100 partners and work closely with a wide range of big-name retailers across the UK. After launching the Mtick with top tier retailer Boots, GenM then took it a step further and unveiled at the LIVE 2024 exhibit the first ever menopause aisle retail concept which received national media coverage. While their focus is continuing to share their vision in the UK, they are also setting their sights on the US market next.

Content by: Meagan Wos